Opinion: Romney Talks Tough On China But Romney And Bain Bought Chinese Factory
In W. Mitt Romney’s convention speech he spoke of workers who make $22.50 with benefits only to lose their job and take two jobs at $9 an hour. His attempt was to describe America’s resolve in the...
View ArticleOpinion: Mitt Romney Disdains Half The Country He Wants To Be President Of
Why does Mitt Romney hate the elderly? Caught on tape saying what he really believes to the people that fund his campaign, Mitt Romney trashed, among others, the elderly. Romney said: “There are 47...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney’s 47% Don’t Pay Taxes Remark Is 100% Controversy
As the dust settles – as it always does – regarding Mitt Romney’s now-publicly-aired comments which allege that 47% of Americans don’t pay taxes, there are a few inspiring realities that Romney and...
View ArticleOpinion: Obama: I Actually Believe In Redistribution
Two days after GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney is challenged with the release of a private fundraising gathering’s tape from last May, President Barack Obama is challenged with an...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Roots For Foreign Policy Crisis
Mitt Romney, consultant to terrorists. At the secret fundraiser Mitt Romney held in Florida, he said a lot of odd things that are getting him in trouble. While the tape is getting a lot of attention,...
View ArticleOpinion: Presidential Poll Trolling
There are more polls than one mind can handle on a daily basis during the national election season, which means that taking any one poll to heart is risky if one is looking for any truth regarding...
View ArticleOpinion: Harry Reid Needs To Apologize To Mitt Romney And America
Now that Mitt Romney has released his taxes with proof that he’s paid taxes over the past ten years, it’s time for United States Senator Harry Reid of Nevada to “man up!” Harry Reid stood before his...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney’s Friday Tax Document Dump Only Raises More Questions
On Friday, Mitt Romney engaged in what is known in the business as a document dump. On Friday afternoon Romney released another, partial, tax return. This time for 2011. It is the second year that he...
View ArticleOpinion: Republicans Are Abandoning Romney’s Sinking Ship
In a bit of political satire in Politico, Paul Ryan is now calling Mitt Romney “The Stench”, as in stench of defeat, and Team Romney refers to Paul Ryan as “Gilligan”. While it may be just humor, it...
View ArticleOpinion: Obama Is Trying To Buy The Hispanic And Female Vote With Another...
Now that the polls say that President Barack Obama’s poll numbers with women and the Hispanics in the United States aren’t as exceedingly high as they were previously, there is suddenly a new benefit...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney’s China Attacks On Obama Show Breathtaking Hypocrisy
Of the many odd decisions the Romney has made, and there is a long list of odd decisions, the attack on President Obama over China is a head scratcher. Romney is trying to find a way to make up ground...
View ArticleOpinion: Unlike Obama, Romney Has A Plan To Save Social Security
The reason that so many Romney-supporters are looking forward to the presidential debates is because GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has many plans for “hot topic” issues that aren’t being...
View ArticleOpinion: If Republicans Can’t Run A Campaign How Can They Run A Government?
Showing the same business savvy that tanked the finance industry, the wealthy mega-donors of Republican SuperPACs are waking up to the fact that they got played by a bunch of political hacks that...
View ArticleOpinion: Obama Says He Is Bored With Debate Prep, Really He’s Afraid To...
According to a news report, President Barack Obama is bored with the entire debate process. He allegedly told a political volunteer: “They’re making me do my homework. They’re keeping me indoors all...
View ArticleOpinion: Does Mitt Romney Have An October Surprise For The Debate?
Governor Romney has spent a lot of time in debate prep lately. The campaign, short on specifics to date, is also starting to roll out a few hints about policies that Romney has been silent on. The...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Gives Obama Debate Trouncing As Anniversary Gift
While Michelle Obama was complaining to the media that yesterday wasn’t much of a 20th anniversary for her and her husband, Mitt Romney was planning his anniversary gift to be presented on the...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney’s Move To The Middle Is Nothing More Than Baseless Rhetoric
The Romney endorsement tour of Barack Obama’s policies continued Monday. The Romney lines of harsh criticism over the president’s handling of the war in Afghanistan, which have persisted throughout...
View ArticleCBS Local Presidential Forum Obama/Romney: Debating Cities and Education
By Carol Cain CBS 62 Detroit As American cities go, so goes the fate of the nation the saying goes, which is why President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney took time out from the campaign trail to...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney’s Performance Was Painful And Unbecoming Of A Presidential...
Governor Romney tonight turned in another performance of Hollywood quality. In an evening full of complaining about time and interrupting the moderator and the president, Romney truly brought the...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Clearly Won The Debate – Again
The second presidential debate between GOP presidential challenger Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama was quite different from the first due to the town hall format and due to the fact that...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney Campaign Drops Dog Whistle And Moves To Blatant Racism
Tagg Romney, the son of Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, said this week that he wanted to walk down on the debate floor on Tuesday and take a swing at the president. He said it to a rightwing radio...
View ArticleOpinion: Don’t Let Obama Convince You That American Success Is Bad
Of the many disturbing issues that have arisen in the campaign cycle of 2008 and much more in 2012, the Obama years may be best remembered as the point in American history when being successful –...
View ArticleOpinion: Obama Makes The Case: One-Term Limit Needed For President
President Barack Obama epitomizes the need for a one-term limit for presidents of the United States. However, the term needs to be six years instead of four years. While there are several reasons for...
View ArticleOpinion: Obamacare Is Bad For Small Business
As the final days of the presidential campaign of 2012 wind down, there is ongoing concern about what President Barack Obama’s law for requiring businesses to provide health care for its employees...
View ArticleOpinion: Sandy: The Match-Maker Of All Match-Makers
Who would have thought that Hurricane Sandy would turn out to be the match-maker of all match-makers during her brief but impactful visit to New Jersey this week? Two political foes have shared...
View ArticleOpinion: Obamacare Should Win It For Mitt Romney
As we enter the last four days of the oft-times endless-appearing presidential campaign of 2012, there is one thing that has not changed throughout the entire process. That is the data-driven...
View ArticleOpinion: Romney’s Desperation Showing In Final Days Of Campaign
The Romney campaign enters this weekend in a bind. This race has boiled down to Ohio. The problem for Romney is that the Obama campaign has built a firewall there. Between advertising, organizing and...
View ArticleOpinion: President Obama Says Vote For Revenge
Though President Barack Obama has said that he was not influenced by the sermons, preached messages and teachings he received from the Reverend Jeremiah Wright in the South Side of Chicago in the...
View ArticleOpinion: On Election Eve Major Concerns About Disenfranchisement
It’s Election Eve and there are already major concerns about the ability of people to vote. From Florida and Ohio early vote disasters with long lines to power outages in Connecticut, New Jersey and...
View ArticleOpinion: Obama’s Biggest Failure Has Been On Race Relations
Even those who were for Sen. John McCain for president in 2008 took comfort in knowing that even though McCain lost, having the nation’s first black president would most certainly lead to an improved...
View ArticleOpinion: Ballots Full Of Women
Famously, Mitt Romney boasted at the second presidential debate about binders full of women. He was telling a story about how he asked for more female candidates for political jobs when he was elected...
View ArticleOpinion: On Election Day Romney Keeping His Mind On The Business-At-Hand
Draw your own conclusions from the candidates’ scheduled events for Election Day 2012 as many have. President Barack Obama will be in Chicago, his hometown, even though he already has stopped by his...
View ArticleOpinion: This Is What A Mandate Looks Like
After two years and more than two billion dollars spent, President Obama was returned to Washington with a clear mandate on the economy and the direction of the country. When it came to our economic...
View ArticleOpinion: Ten Reasons Mitt Romney Lost The Election
Today, Republicans feel a combination of confusion, disbelief, and anger as to how a slim majority of Americans can possibly want four more years of the Obama administration in the White House. To...
View ArticleElection Day 2012: Constant Coverage
Continuous updates throughout the day and night until this is all over. If you have any news or tips email me at mathews.pierson@cbs.com or tweet to @matpierson. Election Day 2012: Your Choice: Obama...
View ArticleOpinion: Karl Rove Is The Most Overrated Person In Politics Today
The two best words to describe Karl Rove are OVER and RATED. Rove has managed to spin himself a personal fortune in national politics despite his work in the field. His reputation, however, does not...
View ArticleOpinion: Chris Christie Is In The Wrong Business
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is obviously in the wrong business. He is becoming more of a television celebrity by the minute and getting much better reviews as a television performer than a...
View ArticleOpinion: Republicans Finally Admitting To Voter Suppression Efforts
Throughout the election season, The Buck Starts Here followed the New Suppressionist’s efforts to disenfranchise voters in an effort to benefit Republican candidates. A state legislative leader in...
View ArticleTop NC 2012 Stories Include Deaths Of 3 Notables
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The deaths of three North Carolina icons and a “superstorm” that left a lasting impression are among the state’s top stories of 2012. Along the way, a criminal trial revealed some...
View ArticleCarolina Panthers Player Highlight Videos: Cam Newton & Luke Kuechly 2012 Season
The regular football season is almost here, and it’s time to look at some YouTube highlight reels of some of your favorite Carolina Panthers players during the 2012 season. Quarterback Cam Newton might...
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